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Our Journey

These are four key steps we are taking in our carbon zero journey. Each step provides an opportunity to positively impact the environment. We hope to encourage all New Zealand businesses to make a start on their own journey.


How do we get rid of our fossil fuel purchases?

Identify every purchase of gas & fuel and invest in technology to substitute it.

Changing our car fleet to be 100% electric

We are changing our entire fleet of petrol vehicles for electric cars. Nuralite is going 100% electric - powered by Teslas. This will save 50 t of carbon per annum and the team love driving them.

Replace gas powered forklifts in the warehouse

Why use fossil fuel-powered forklifts when 100% electric ones are available? This will save 5 t of carbon per annum.


How do we reduce carbon used in our supply chain?

The potential carbon savings are significant - but it requires more creative thinking.

Warehouse established in Christchurch

We analysed our transport statistics and discovered that imported products were being regularly transported from Auckland to the South Island. By establishing a warehouse in Christchurch we now import product directly, reducing trucking emissions by 15% with little impact on sea freight emissions. This should save around 5 t of carbon per annum. The upside is that our South Island customers can enjoy better service as a result too.

Changed to renewable a power supplier

Joining Ecotricity means our power supply source is 100% renewable. This simple change saved us money and will reduce our footprint by 5 t per annum.

Reduce air freight by carrying more stock

Previously air freight deliveries cost us 70 t of carbon per annum – a higher carbon impact than our entire fleet of petrol cars! Instead of using air freight deliveries to keep up with customer demand, we have started increasing stock in our warehouses. This reduces our carbon footprint and keeps customers happy.
Reduced Air


Why do we promote Zero Energy Building methods in the industry?

Carbon usage in building operations is a significant drag on our climate footprint. Upgrading 1,200 commercial buildings to zero-energy would save our entire wind generation capacity. Vital to designing zero energy buildings, warm roofs provide a continuous level of insulation without thermal breaks. These should be used on all properties and are ideal for passive houses. They can even be installed over existing metal or membrane roofs to substantially improve their energy performance while extending the useful life of the building.
"It's great to have a system that will make a difference to people's home for decades to come".
          Shane Clarke


How do we influence action in society?

We want to inspire others to review their carbon footprint and aim higher. Check out this webinar from John Simmons our Managing Director discussing our personal journey in becoming carbon zero.


We are proud to be a part of various organisations which uphold the best building standards in terms of the environment and New Zealand's building industry.

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