Nuralite's system components build the complete solution. Use in combination with our membranes to have a fully warranted system and confidence in product performance.

Lockin' Pocket
Pre-fabricated inter-locking pocket that is easily assembled on-site and filled with fast setting sealer. It is comprised of high strength, flexible elastomer, which becomes watertight within minutes of application. Allows difficult penetrations in the membrane to become waterproof fast.

The Nurajack pedestal is an adjustable, self-levelling jack for floating tile & timber deck surfaces over membrane roofs, allowing access for maintenance. Adjustable height: 28mm - 550mm (H).

PIR Insulation Board
Enertherm is a top quality PIR (polyisocyanurate) insulation board. It offers outstanding insulating properties (0.022w/mk), excellent fire performance & superior compressive strength. Range of thicknesses available to meet your R-Value requirements, including tapered options.

Nuratrim is an aluminium edge system, purpose designed for the Nuraply 3PM roofing membrane. It provides excellent protection from dynamic wind situations, leaving a crisp & flat vertical face on parapets & roof verges. Dimension 100mm (H) x 80mm (W), in standard 3m lengths.

Nuraply 3PM compatible aluminium sumps create a low point with both an outlet and an overflow. Sizes can be custom fabricated to meet your needs. Standard sizes: 80mm Diameter: 340mm (L) x 250mm (W) x 80mm (H) OR 100mm diameter: 400mm (L) x 250mm (W) x 200mm (H)

Scuppers/ Overflows
Scuppers/Overflows are used to direct rainwater through a parapet. Factory welded in solid aluminium for maximum durability. Available in NZBC E2 compliant 75mm (H) x 200mm (W) OR custom fabricated to meet your needs.

Roof Drain
The Roof Drain has been engineered with a clamping range from 0-8MM for mebrane thickness used for multi-layer and torch-on. It has a stainless steel lid and an interlocking clamp ring. Sizes available are the Bottom Exit 100/80MM Spigot and Bottom Exit 150MM Spigot.

Nuraswell is a hydrophilic waterstop used for waterproofing of construction joints. Typical applications include joints between different concrete pours, pipe penetrations & wall to slab joints.

Termination Bar
The Nuralite Termination Bar holds the top edge of the membrane in position against the vertical substrate. Its shape allows for sealant to be applied as an additional weather protector to maximise durability.

Kick Out Diverter
The Nuralite Kick Out Diverter is an aluminium end flashing that diverts water into the gutter at wall & roof junctions. It creates a downward & outward waterflow off the roof & away from the wall. Dimensions 100mm (L) x 90mm (W) x 140mm (H).